
Identity Management

Governments and corporations are increasingly stressing on the need to have a database of the citizens and employees respectively for the purposes of work, taxation, government benefits, health care, and other related functions.

Though the ways in which such a system is implemented vary among countries, there are three essential factors for creating a national identity document: Data Collection, Biometric Data Capturing and Verification of Data.

Our tools, techniques, and expertise can help nations articulate a more coherent and cohesive identity, maintain citizen loyalty and build an inclusive economy.

Data collection

Data collection helps in collecting information about citizens, customers, competitors and other market factors. This information helps government/companies in taking important decisions for improving their products and services.

Data collection involves collection of qualitative as well as quantitative data. With the help of internet, data can be collected from a broad range of consumers.

Data can be collected through field survey (primary data collection) or can be extracted from the existing data (secondary data collection). Primary data is the original data that is collected by researchers and this service helps companies extract data from the grass root level. Secondary data is a quicker and cheaper way of gathering information. It helps companies extract useful data faster so as to be able to implement it sooner.

Biometric Data Capturing

Biometric data is an increasingly important tool in identity management globally, helping countries reduce fraud and integrity risks. We incorporate the collection of biometrics (fingerprints and facial images) into the Identity Card Making process.

Enrolling your biometric information is a quick and clean process. Biometric data is collected using a quick, discreet and non-intrusive process that captures a facial image with a digital camera, a 10-digit fingerprint scan with a digital finger scanner and an iris scan.

Providing biometrics helps to protect the identities of genuine applicants.

Verification of Data

Be it instant identity verification, employment background screening or customer screening, or partner due diligence, our data verification service prevents the incidence of identity fraud.

Identity verification is the stepping stone for ensuring a secure workplace and a safe country. Using advanced APIs, organizations can streamline identity verification of employees, candidates and visitors on campus or banks can facilitate know your customer services by validating National ID Card, Voter ID, Driving License or Passport.